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The U.S Senate has recently passed the GOP tax bill, that does not help the middle class, it raises the taxes instead of raising the taxes for the upper class and the big corporations. Through Trump's campaign and his presidency, he has stated he would help the middle class with his new tax bill, this has been proven to be a lie. Both the Washington Post and CNN have reported on the tax bill, but they use very different language.
    The Washington Post article uses a harsh language describing how Trump is raising the taxes on the middle class and not the big corporations. The article shows how they are not taking this lightly, "Nothing but bad news in the GOP tax plan." Throughout this article, there is a negative use of words and it represents the democratic side of the tax bill. There are multiple sources that are used to confirm their stance on the subject, that the bill will not at all help the middle class.
CNN's article has a lighter way of stating this, like their title, "Is the Trump tax plan a big win for the middle class? Not so much." This headline implies that the middle class does not gain from this bill, but it allows those who just read the headline to think that is is not going to be as bad as others make it sound. This article tries to cover up the harshness this bill will bring to the middle class by never really truly saying that this will hurt the middle class. Instead, they used statistics to make it just sound like numbers that would not hurt anyone. This article showed a Republican point of view and ignores the real problem by stating the 1% will profit from this bill.
Both these articles report on the same topic, but individually show one opinion how it will hurt or help different groups of people.
